7 Best Steps for Malaysia Employment Visa Application

You've probably heard the saying, "Failing to plan is planning to fail." When it comes to applying for a Malaysia employment visa, this adage holds true. The process can be complex, but by following the 7 best steps, you can navigate it with confidence. From understanding the eligibility criteria to obtaining the necessary approvals and submitting your application, each step is crucial to ensuring a smooth and successful visa application. But what are these steps, and how can they help you secure your Malaysia employment visa? Let's explore each step in detail to ensure you're well-prepared for this important journey.

Key Takeaways

  • Different types of Malaysia work permits are available, including Employment Pass, Temporary Employment Pass, Professional Visit Pass, Dependent Pass, and Social Visit Pass.
  • Each type of work permit has specific eligibility criteria and required documents.
  • The application process for Malaysia work visa involves submitting necessary documentation, paying processing fees, and awaiting approval.
  • Employment Pass holders can bring their family members to Malaysia through Dependent Pass or Long Term Social Visit Pass, and the Employment Pass holder is responsible for their sponsorship and well-being.

Types of Malaysia Work Permits

When considering the types of Malaysia work permits, it is essential to understand the distinct qualifications and conditions associated with each category to ensure compliance with the country's employment regulations. The Employment Pass is designed for highly skilled individuals seeking positions in Malaysian companies. This category requires proper qualifications and relevant work experience. It serves as a gateway for foreign nationals to take up professional roles within the country. The Temporary Employment Pass, on the other hand, caters to specific categories of work such as manufacturing or domestic help. The conditions for this pass vary based on the nationality and age of the applicant. Furthermore, the Professional Visit Pass is tailored for temporary work assignments by foreign nationals employed by non-Malaysian organizations. This category allows for specific types of work for a limited period of time. The Dependent Pass is intended for the family members of Employment Pass holders, including spouses and dependent children under 21 years old, facilitating their stay in Malaysia. Lastly, the Social Visit Pass permits long-term visits by family members of Employment Pass holders, ensuring they can have extended stays in the country. Understanding the nuances of each permit type is crucial when navigating the Malaysia work visa application process, ensuring that foreign nationals and their families can work and reside in the country effectively.

Conditions for Malaysia Work Visa

To qualify for a Malaysia work visa, you must meet specific eligibility criteria and provide the required documents. Employment Pass applicants need to demonstrate proper qualifications, relevant work experience, and a minimum monthly salary. Temporary Employment Pass conditions are influenced by nationality and age, while Professional Visit Pass and Dependent Pass have their own set of requirements.

Eligibility Criteria

Applicants for Malaysian work visas must meet specific eligibility criteria, such as possessing proper qualifications, relevant work experience, and meeting minimum salary requirements for the desired visa type. For an Employment Pass (EP), the Malaysian work visa requires a foreign individual to have a job offer from a Malaysian company and an employment contract. Additionally, the Immigration Department of Malaysia processes the EP, and the foreign worker must obtain a work permit card. The eligibility criteria for a Temporary Employment Pass varies based on nationality and age, and a Professional Visit Pass allows specific categories of work for a limited period of time. Dependent Passes are available to family members of Employment Pass holders, and Social Visit Passes allow long-term visits for family members of EP holders. Understanding these criteria is crucial for a successful Malaysian work visa application process.

Required Documents

To apply for a Malaysia work visa, you will need to provide a set of required documents that demonstrate your eligibility and qualifications. When preparing your application for a Malaysia work pass or permit, you will need to ensure that you have the following documents in order:

  1. Malaysia Employment Pass: This requires documents such as academic certificates, a valid employment contract, and a passport with a minimum validity of 18 months.
  2. Professional Visit Pass: You will need a letter of invitation from a Malaysian company, a detailed itinerary of your visit, and evidence of your professional qualifications.
  3. Malaysia Visa With Reference: For this, you will need a letter of approval from the Immigration Department of Malaysia, a valid passport, and a completed work permit application form.

Ensuring that you have all the necessary documents in order will help facilitate a smooth application process for your Malaysia work visa.

Applying for Expatriate Post or Quota Approval

When applying for Expatriate Post or Quota Approval, ensure that you have thoroughly reviewed and understood the guidelines provided by the relevant authorities. It is essential to submit all necessary documentation and information as per the authorities' guidelines. The approval for the expatriate post or quota is required for the employment of foreign workers in Malaysia. To facilitate a smooth and successful application process, it is crucial to comply with all regulations and requirements.

Documents Required Additional Information
Application Form Obtain the official form from the relevant authorities.
Company Registration Certificate Ensure that the company is registered in Malaysia.
Job Description Clearly outline the responsibilities of the expatriate post.
Passport Copies Provide clear copies of the passport of the foreign employee.
Approval Letter If applicable, include the approval letter for the expatriate post or quota.

After obtaining the approval for the expatriate post or quota, the next step is to proceed with the work visa application through the Malaysia Immigration Department. It is important to adhere to the guidelines and meet all the necessary criteria for visa processing. Additionally, be prepared to pay the required processing fees for the visa application.

Approval of Malaysia Work Permit

After successfully obtaining the approval for the expatriate post or quota, the next crucial step is securing the work permit for employment in Malaysia. The approval of Malaysia work permit is essential for legally working in the country. Here are the steps to ensure the approval of your Malaysia work permit:

  1. Determine the Appropriate Visa Type: Depending on your qualifications, work experience, and the nature of the job, you need to identify the suitable visa type. This could be an Employment Pass, Temporary Employment Pass, Professional Visit Pass, or others. Each visa type has specific conditions and requirements.
  2. Prepare Necessary Documentation: Once you have identified the appropriate visa type, gather all the required documentation. This may include educational certificates, employment contracts, passport copies, and other relevant paperwork. Ensure that all documents are in order and comply with the Malaysian Immigration Department's guidelines.
  3. Submit Application and Await Approval: After preparing the documentation, submit your application for the Malaysia work permit. The application process may involve obtaining a Visa With Reference or Visa Approval Letter. Once submitted, await the approval from the authorities.

Securing the approval for a Malaysia work permit is a crucial step towards legally working in the country. It is important to adhere to the specific requirements for each visa type and ensure that all documentation is accurate and complete. With the approval in hand, you can look forward to working in Malaysia and, if applicable, arrange for your family members to join you through the appropriate dependent passes or long-term social visit passes.

Applying for Malaysian Work Visa (Visa With Reference)

Upon identifying the suitable visa type based on your qualifications, work experience, and the nature of the job, the next step is to begin the process of applying for the Malaysian work visa with reference. To apply for a Malaysian work visa, you will need the support of a Malaysian company, as they will be your sponsor throughout the visa application process. The Malaysian company will need to apply for a Visa With Reference (VDR) for you at the Malaysian Immigration Department or the Malaysian Embassy or Consulate in your home country.

Once the Malaysian company has obtained the VDR approval, they will provide you with the approval letter. With this approval letter, you can then proceed to your nearest Malaysian Embassy or Consulate to have the visa stamped into your passport. It's important to ensure that all the necessary documents are in order and that you have met all the requirements for the visa application.

Upon receiving your Malaysian work visa with reference, you will be able to enter Malaysia and commence your employment. It's important to note that the Malaysian work visa with reference is usually issued for a specific duration and is tied to your employment with the sponsoring Malaysian company. Should you change employers, you will need to apply for a new work visa with reference under the new company.

Getting Work Permit Issued

To obtain the work permit, you need to submit the necessary documents and fulfill the requirements set by the Malaysian Immigration Department or the relevant authorities. The process for getting a work permit in Malaysia involves the following steps:

  1. Documentation: Prepare all required documents, including the employment pass application form, a valid passport, passport-sized photographs, educational certificates, and the employment contract. Ensure that all documents are complete and up to date.
  2. Meeting Salary Requirements: Depending on the employment pass category, there are specific salary requirements that need to be met. For instance, the minimum monthly salary for an employment pass Category I is RM 10,000, whereas for Category II, it is RM 5,000. It's crucial to ensure that the salary offered complies with the set standards.
  3. Family Members: If you plan to bring your family members to Malaysia, you will need to apply for their dependent visas. This involves providing additional documentation such as marriage certificates and birth certificates for children. The work permit application for family members should be submitted concurrently with the main applicant's visa application to ensure a smooth process.

It is crucial to adhere to the guidelines provided by the Malaysian Immigration Department and fulfill all the necessary requirements to obtain the work permit. By following these steps diligently, you can increase the likelihood of a successful work permit issuance for employment in Malaysia.

Bringing Family Members With Malaysian Work Visa

You must be an Employment Pass holder to bring your family members to Malaysia. Eligible family members include your spouse and dependent children under 21 years old. The process involves obtaining a Dependent Pass and Long Term Social Visit Pass, requiring specific documentation and an application process to follow.

Family Visa Eligibility

Employment Pass holders in Malaysia have the privilege of bringing their family members, including their spouse and dependent children under 21 years old, to the country. When applying for a Malaysia Employment Pass Work Permit, it's important to understand the eligibility criteria for family members. Here are the key points to note regarding family visa eligibility:

  1. Eligible Family Members: The Dependents Pass is available for the spouse and dependent children under 21 years old.
  2. Extended Stays: Family members can also apply for a Long Term Social Visit Pass, allowing them to stay in Malaysia for extended periods.
  3. Sponsorship: Only the Employment Pass holder is permitted to bring their family members to Malaysia, and they will be responsible for their sponsorship and well-being during their stay.

Understanding the criteria and processes for bringing family members to Malaysia is essential for a smooth transition and enjoyable stay for all involved.

Required Documentation

When bringing family members with a Malaysian Work Visa, it is essential to provide documented proof of the relationship, such as marriage and birth certificates, during the application process for the Dependent Pass or Long Term Social Visit Pass. Along with the application, family members' passports with a minimum validity of six months must be submitted. Additionally, proof of sufficient financial means to support family members in Malaysia, like bank statements or employment letters, is required. Medical examination reports and vaccination records may also be necessary. It's important to note that additional documentation, such as a letter of intent or accommodation arrangements, may be required when bringing family members with a Malaysian Work Visa. Ensuring that all the required documentation is complete and accurate will facilitate the approval of the Dependent Pass or Long Term Social Visit Pass for family members joining you in Malaysia for employment.

Application Process

Transitioning from the required documentation phase, the application process for bringing family members with a Malaysian Work Visa involves obtaining the Dependent Pass or Long Term Social Visit Pass for them. To successfully apply for your family members' visas, follow these steps:

  1. Eligibility Check: Ensure that only Employment Pass holders are eligible to bring their family members to Malaysia.
  2. Dependent Pass Application: Gather the necessary documents and submit them to the Immigration Department to obtain the Dependent Pass for your spouse and dependent children under 21 years old.
  3. Long Term Social Visit Pass: If your family members require an extended stay, they can apply for a Long Term Social Visit Pass, which involves meeting specific requirements and providing the essential documentation.

As an expatriate employee, navigating the process with attention to detail ensures a smooth visa application for your family members.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is the Process for Work Visa in Malaysia?

To obtain a work visa in Malaysia, you must meet eligibility criteria, submit required documentation, attend an interview, pay applicable fees, and await processing. Ensure compliance with employment contract terms and renewal requirements. Stay informed on visa status.

How Do I Get a Work Visa Step by Step?

To get a work visa for Malaysia, first review the visa requirements and eligibility criteria. Prepare application documents and attend the visa interview. Once approved, arrange for a medical check-up, pay visa fees, and sign your employment contract. Finally, secure your work permit, and plan for visa extension or renewal as needed.

How Long Does It Take for Employment Pass to Be Approved in Malaysia?

It typically takes about three working days for the employment pass to be approved in Malaysia. Once approved, employers have seven days to submit the passport for stamping. Airswift can support you with the process.

How Much Bank Balance Is Required for Malaysia Work Visa?

To meet Malaysia work visa requirements, it's crucial to showcase financial stability. While there's no specified bank balance, having sufficient funds for living expenses is advisable. Demonstrating financial support can positively impact your visa eligibility and approval.

About the author

I'm Gabriel, an expat and wordsmith. ExpatBuddy is your gateway to my life abroad, where I pen down my adventures, cultures, and expatriate experiences.

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